I am so delighted that your curiosity brought you here because I have a hunch that you have high standards for yourself and your life. You are creative, talented, always learning and willing to grow and want to create a deeply meaningful, courageous, imaginative life in which you can be your true self and gift your innate talents to others. You see many paths that could lead to success, yet you are deeply doubtful.
You strive to always be a more valuable version of your life. You work hard and genuinely want to make a positive difference in yourself and others but the way that your life is right now, doesn't feel like it's enough. Enough to make a significant shift, enough use your innate talents, enough to have freedom and time, enough to live abundantly. You often think- I do all these things, achieve so much and how the heck am I here again feeling this way.
Photo credit to: Alex Lvrs
You are doubtful that jumping into that dream life will pan out for you. Doubtful that you are on the right path. Doubtful that you know what to do or how to do it, so after exhausting yourself thinking about it, you just bury this inner nudge and you continue to go about life until that little voice creeps up yet again saying - what am I doing with my life? You have a hard time trusting yourself and you look for answers everywhere to help you figure this out or perhaps to find permission on what you really want to do next.
And how do you know that? Because despite all you have achieved, this job, this relationship, this life, just doesn't feel that good. You know deep down that you have the ability to be/do/have anything but when you start thinking about the tough decisions, the unknowns and the shame of making bold moves. You start questioning yourself and what others might think if your plans don't work . You are engulfed in this vicious cycle that keeps you stuck. Stuck in that life of comfort that you don't really like or feel good in.
Photo credit to: Stefano Polio
You are secretly or maybe not so secretly woo. Some part of you knows that you are being guided in the right direction. You want to start tapping into that inner wisdom -that intuition. You believe that everything is conspiring to help you co-create your desired life and you have been waiting for some signs or synchronicities from whatever is out there that's helping you, but lately you have been feeling out of alignment.
Photo credit to: Anna Kolosyuk
If this is your first time here, or the third, or if you have been searching for answers about major life decisions in books, Google, your friends' advice, or anywhere for that matter, you know that you are so ready to level-up because your authentic self is already searching . You are ready for better.